Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Windy Sunday

Hope no one has blown away! Isn't it delicious outside?

I've gotten a chance to take a glimpse at some of your blogs, and I love what I see! As you know I won't be there tomorrow. Alice has the video on "the Hero's Journey" from The Power of Myth. I'd like you to blog about this for class on Wednesday. Joseph Campbell was an academic who wrote extensively about myth. He wrote a book called Hero with a Thousand Faces, exploring the archetypal hero's journey in world mythologies. We will be discussing similar terrain in our first unit. Go ahead and read the introduction to "The Heroic Journey" on pages 42-43, which is a good primer for the literature that will follow.

In order to respond to this film (the discussion between Campbell and Moyers, as well as the images), consider Chapters 1 and 2 in your text. Reread the quote by Einstein (pg. 2) and consider your relationship with "the mysterious." As this chapter notes, attempting to uncovering secrets is part of the critical thinking process. Consider the thinking/reading/viewing connection and the ideas of "text-to-self," "text-to-text," and "text-to-world."

For all your responses I'm expecting you to use the strategies outlined in Chapter 2: glossing and annotating; brainstorming and questioning; freewriting; and notetaking. After you've engaged in these activities as part of the reading process. You can begin journal writing (pp. 13-14) on your blog. In other words, you should take notes as you view the film (just another kind of text.)

Please send me an email or respond to this blog if you have any questions. I'll see you on Wednesday. Have fun!

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