Wednesday, February 6, 2008

playing with blogs

I realize my class does not yet have access to this blog, but I've decided to act as if I have an audience. The assignment for English 112 this evening was to "play," and I too am playing with this new format. There are a few things I'd like to do with this blog, so perhaps my brilliant students can help me figure some of this out.

I would like all of us to have links to each others' blogs. I'm trying to figure out "bloglines," which allows users to subscribe to multiple blogs and keep track of them. I haven't yet figured this out.

I would also like to be able to post files (like drafts in MSWord) to a blog site. I'm not sure how this works (if it works). I'm using a "wiki" for my American Literature classes and I find it very easy to upload files here. (You can check on the this site at While a wiki should be interactive, right now it's not. Instead, it functions more like a blackboard. Here I mean an actual blackboard, rather than "Blackboard" which as my students know, I don't like.

So tomorrow we may continue to play--an underrated activity in our society! We'll also look at the syllabus and all the delicious literature scheduled for this semester.


Gameguy614 said...

Hey Clary. I think this blog thing is a good idea. I hope it will work out well.

Gameguy614 said...

That was John by the way.

Clary said...

Hi John! So glad you like the blog. I love the idea of communicating like this but we need to figure out how to optimize our usage. I'm still working on this. Keep playing to make your blog site personal and meaningful. Great to have you in this class!

J Reid said...

I like to play on the blog. I think its a good idea and will let us be more open to what we want to say to eachother, maybe

Caitlin Britton said...

I have no idea how to work anything on this blog with the exception of this comment. I'm completly lost.

Needing help,


mysbanks0303 said...

This blog thing is fun, but I hope everything we do does not revolve around it. However, this is a great way to communicate.

Alice said...

I'm excited to see how the blogs contribute to class, and i wonder if they will become a sort of personality. It's always interesting to see how we will interact through personal contact and technology!

~*Shannon*~ said...

Hi Clary. This blog thing isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's like a fake MySpace. But it will probably work okay this semester!